Monday, September 29, 2008

Obama Takes Huge Lead In National Tracking Polls

From DailyKos comes the data for the four daily tracking polls (rolling averages of data from 3 consecutive days).

Obama McCain MoE +/- RV/LV
Research 2000:  50 (49)   43 (43)   3     LV
Rasmussen:      50 (50)   44 (44)   2    LV  
Diageo/Hotline: 47 (48)   42 (43)   3.2    RV
Gallup:         50 (49)   42 (44)   2      RV

1 comment:

  1. And with the House just turning down the McCain-supported bailout bill, McCain is even in deeper trouble, as no House member wants to meet the local voters with that stain on the voting record.
    Let's hold the election today!


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