Thursday, December 18, 2008

Obama's Cabinet Is Complete (and Straight)

Barack Obama's cabinet is now complete with the selection of African American Ron Kirk as U.S. Trade Representative and Latina Rep. Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor:
- 5 Women (Clinton, Napolitano, Rice, Jackson, Solis)
- 4 African Americans (Holder, Rice, Jackson, Kirk)
- 5 Westerners (Salazar, Richardson, Kirk, Solis, Napolitano -- who was born in NYC but raised in Albuquerque)
- 3 Hispanics/Latinos (Salazar, Richardson, Solis)
- 2 Asian Americans (Shinseki, Chu)
- 2 Republicans (Gates, Lahood)
- 2 Sitting Senators (Clinton, Salazar)
- 2 Sitting Governors (Napolitano, Richardson)

(Hat/tip to First Read)

1 comment:

  1. I understand the frustration here, but I think reducing things to identity politics bean-counting is unfair.

    For what it's worth: 1. this cabinet is arguably the most diverse ever (in terms of total amount of women/minority members) and 2. Obama seriously considered openly gay candidates for spots and 3. he has appointed openly gay folks to high-level, although non-cabinet-level, positions.

    Yes, I was disappointed that openly gay Mary Beth Maxwell was not selected for labor secretary, but after reading up on Hilda Solis it appears that she was the stronger candidate.


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