Sunday, June 16, 2013

WATCH: AFER Explains Prop 8 Case

The Gaytterdämmerung case of Hollingsworth v Perry could be released by the United States Supreme Court as early as tomorrow but will probably not come out until next Monday or Thursday June 27 at the latest. The organization behind the federal challenge to California's Proposition 8 is the American Foundation for Equal Rights, or AFER. 

With the final Decision Day in the Proposition 8 case coming soon, AFER has released a helpful and stirring video that explains how the case has reached this point, mentioning the two other Decision Days on the way (district court decision on August 4, 2010 by now-openly gay federal judge Vaughn Walker and the appellate court decision from the 9th Circuit on February 7, 2012). Both lower courts have deemed Proposition 8 an impermissible violation of the United States Constitution, so if the U.S. Supreme Court declines to issue a decision on the merits for any reason (and there are many) then Proposition 8 will be invalidated and marriages will resume in California shortly afterwards.

1 comment:

  1. "now openly gay RETIRED federal judge Vaughn Walker"


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