Kirk is considered a moderate Republican, but he did not vote to repeal DADT in the House recently (only 5 Republicans voted against DADT repeal: Charles Djou of Hawaii), Joseph Cao of Louisiana, Judy Biggert of Illinois), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida, and Ron Paul of Texas) leading Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest LGBT group, to finally endorse Alexi Giannoulias, Kirk's Democratic opponent for the Illinois U.S. Senate seat.
Now, Kirk joins other Republican congressional hypocrites like David Dreier (R-CA) who have been outed by Mike Rogers but vote against LGBT equality. Rogers is never wrong, and this is what he says about Kirk:
In an effort to move the base in the Illinois Senate race, Kirk decided to tack right and that means throwing the gays (like him) under the bus. And once he voted that way, the phone began to ring. Not one or two, or three but 5 separate individuals contacted me about the now divorced Mr. Kirk. (Mr. and Mrs. Kirk were married from 2001 to 2009, the marriage produced no children.)Boo yah!
Within hours of the DADT repeal vote I was contacted by two people who knew Kirk from his college days.
"In law school in DC everyone knew Mark was gay," the first source told me. I explained that the information was intriguing, it would not be enough to go on. He continued, "But I had sex with him a number of times." Well, now we're onto something I thought. "Could someone verify for me that you knew Kirk and went to school with him?" I asked. "Yes" was the swift reply. "Could you recall personal details about Kirk that others may not know?" "Yes," he said.
And he did.
The next source claimed to have gone to undergraduate school with Kirk. I asked for proof that he and Kirk were in school together and once that was shared with me, I met with the source. The source introduced me to a man who had also been friends with Kirk in college. They both shared with me their interactions with Kirk, including one sexual in nature. The source who claimed to have sex with Kirk described personal details about the House, um, er, "member." The description was the same as the first source.
Then Kirk became a hypocrite. Kirk voted against repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, despite his being a closeted gay man in the military. As a Commander in the Navy Reserves Kirk has voted to keep a policy that if he were investigated under he would be tossed.
Recently we learned that it's not just his being a closeted gay man that Kirk lies about; he has a habit of making up awards supposedly given to him by the Navy.
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