See a clip of James in action:
A personal blog by a Black, Gay, Caribbean, Liberal, Progressive, Moderate, Fit, Geeky, Married, College-Educated, NPR-Listening, Tennis-Playing, Feminist, Atheist, Math Professor in Los Angeles, California
The Governor of California recently signed into law Senate Bill 777, which willSenator Kuehl (who happens to be a 1978 Harvard Law School graduate) responded by saying: "There's no change in the law; it was always the same. All of these truly silly claims that they make about what could happen could have been happening over the last eight years and never did," she said. "I think they know they don't have a case. I think it's purely a fundraising mechanism for them."
take effect on January 11, 2008. Senate Bill 777, in conjunction with the California Penal Code, introduces a new definition of “gender” into the California Education Code and is part of an overall nondiscrimination scheme applicable to schools in California. Senate Bill 777 recklessly abandons the traditional understanding of biological sex in favor of an elusive definition that is unconstitutionally vague. This lawsuit facially challenges the redefinition of the term “gender” as it will be impossible for school administrators and educators to enforce this new definition.
Further, it will be impossible for administrators and educators to know whether they themselves are violating the nondiscrimination provisions of the Education Code or the Penal Code. Additionally, the special treatment intended for a select few students through the enforcement of Senate Bill 777 will result in the violation of the privacy rights of the remainder of students not targeted for special treatment under Senate Bill 777. For these reasons, Plaintiffs bring this lawsuit based upon the prohibition against vague enactments as established in the Federal Constitution and the right to privacy founded in the California Constitution.
Q. Now your matches are finished. Do you still have any plan to go around the city maybe with your uncle or your girlfriend?Over at Craig Hickman's Tennis Blog Gasquet is always referred to "Richie Red Shoes." Maybe that should be changed to Richie Red Shorts!
RICHARD GASQUET: My uncle? No. My girlfriend, no. I have no girlfriend, so I will try to find one, one Chinese girl. Why not? Why not? I lost 6-1, 6-1. It will be very hard for me tonight. I’m ready to lose, you know.
Q. Who is the girl watching your match with your uncle?
RICHARD GASQUET: Not my girl. I don’t know. Not my girl, for sure. No, no, no, I have just friends. Men friends, but I’m not gay.
Months after revelations about the affair damaged the mayor's political standing and devastated Salinas' broadcasting career, the two sources said the relationship disintegrated weeks ago.
"They broke up earlier in the fall. They've both moved on. And Antonio is focused on his relationships with his kids," said one person who said he learned about the breakup in October.
The other source -- who described himself as a longtime friend of Villaraigosa's -- said the relationship ended two or possibly three months ago.
"I think it was a tough summer. I think it was hard on his family. And I think he's trying hard to get past everything that was that summer," the friend said.
Both sources spoke on the condition of anonymity, saying they were not authorized to discuss the matter.
Are differences in performance on standardized tests indicative of differences in intelligence? Are differences in intelligence, in turn, rooted in genetic difference? Are the genetic determinants of intelligence distributed in predictable patterns along racial lines? Finally, are race-based discrepancies in mean intelligence brute biological facts, impervious to social or technological efforts to alleviate them?What do you think?
Last year on World AIDS Day, President George W. Bush pledged to issue "streamlined" new regulations with a "categorical waiver" that would make it easier for the HIV-positive to receive exemptions.Are you going to let them get away with it? Go to http://www.regulations.gov/ and look for USCBP-2007-0084 and submit your comment before December 6. Do it as your way of celebrating World AIDS Day!
"Unfortunately, despite using the terms 'streamlined' and 'categorical,' in reality these regulations are neither," said Victoria Neilson, legal director of Immigration Equality, which works on behalf of LGBT and HIV-positive asylum seekers and immigrants.
Neilson told Gay City News, "This is a big disappointment, given the rhetoric of the Bush administration that the US was making it easier - because the new regs simply add more heavy burdens for the HIV-positive traveler."
Among other provisions, under the new rules proposed by DHS, a visitor would need to travel with all the medication he would need during his stay in the US; prove that he has medical insurance that is accepted in the US and would cover any medical contingency; and prove that he won't engage in behavior that might put the American public at risk. The maximum term for any waiver would be 30 days.
The new regulations purport to speed up the waiver application process because consular officers would be empowered to make decisions without seeking DHS sign-off. However, by using this "streamlined" application process, waiver applicants would have to agree to give up the ability to apply for any change in status while in the US, including applying for legal permanent residence.
The purpose of fast-tracking the new regs and setting a super-tight December 6 deadline for public comment before they take effect was to catch the AIDS community - busy with preparations for World AIDS Day on December 1 - unawares. To a certain extent, the ploy has worked.
Firefighter Gonzalo Salgado is suing the Los Angeles County Fire Department, alleging retaliation and hostile treatment after he told colleagues to stop making derogatory conversation about another firefighter perceived to be gay.
Salgado was unreasonably punished for allegedly losing equipment, was transferred to four different fire stations in as many months and was passed over for promotion, according to the lawsuit complaint.
Salgado, 46, had complained to the county Office of Affirmative Action Compliance and to the Fire Department's employee relations officials. Salgado alleges in the complaint that the Fire Department took years to complete its investigation, which he said was sloppily conducted.
Official reviews found no pattern of mistreatment toward Salgado, according to county investigation records, but did conclude that department managers did not appropriately report the conversation about a firefighter's perceived sexual orientation.
The complaint alleges that Salgado's supervisor, Capt. Lee Gregory, "attempted to minimize the inflammatory nature of the discussion by contending that it was a joke." Fire Department employee relations officials recommended discipline for the gossiping firefighters, but none was imposed, according to the complaint.
The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) has learned that the Iranian Chief Justice, Ayatollah Seyed Mahmoud Hashemi Shahrudi, has nullified the impending death sentence of Mr. Makvan Mouloodzadeh, a 21-year old Iranian citizen found guilty of multiple counts of anal rape (ighab), allegedly committed when he was 13 years old. The Iranian Chief Justice described the death sentence to be in violation of Islamic teachings, the religious decrees of high-ranking Shiite clerics, and the law of the land.Congratulations to IGLHRC!
"This is a stunning victory for human rights and a reminder of the power of global protest," said Paula Ettelbrick, IGLHRC's executive director, who on November 5 sent a letter in Persian and English asking that Iranian authorities intervene to halt the execution.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH
Dr. Deborah Parham Hopson, Associate Administrator for HIV/AIDS, HRSA
Dr. Kevin Fenton, Director of the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, CDC
Ms. Beverly Watts Davis, Senior Advisor on Substance Abuse, Office of the Administrator, SAMHSA
Christopher H. Bates, Acting Director of the Office of HIV/AIDS Policy, will moderate the webcast
State officials are trying to determine if Migden used credit cards to charge $397,000 in expenses without disclosing who was initially paid and for what, according to the newspaper. If Migden is found to be in violation with campaign finance laws, she could face up to $60,000 in administrative fines.Umm, yeah, right Mark. Does this really help you make the case that you're the most qualified candidate to repesent the people of the 3rd Senatorial District of California?
"We're working with the FPPC to address some issues, to resolve some errors that were self-reported," Migden told the newspaper, adding that the lack of itemization of credit card expenses "would be part and parcel of that."
She had previously been charged with violations and fined a total of $110,600 for failing to disclose donations by deadlines set in state law, including twice last year.
State officials launched the investigations of Migden's expenses after they received a formal complaint from Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, who is running against Migden in the upcoming election.
"It goes right to the heart of the cynicism voters have about the political process," he said.
Regardless of the intention, those guidelines proved not only discriminatory but ineffective -- as well as unjustified by scientific research. More than 80% of those serving time in federal prison on crack charges are African American. This has justifiably fueled distrust and disrespect for the law in black communities. Why should a black crack addict get more time than a white cocaine addict? Especially when research has shown that the two drugs are pharmacologically identical? Moreover, 20 years of harsh crack sentences have done nothing to stem the drug trade.
As of Nov. 1, the sentencing disparity has been eased, and Congress did the right thing by allowing the changes to take effect. Today, the U.S. Sentencing Commission, a panel created by Congress in 1984 to ensure fair terms for those convicted on federal charges, will discuss whether to make the reduction in sentences retroactive -- a move that would shave an average of at least two years off the terms of nearly 20,000 inmates.
The Justice Department argues that returning all those convicts to the streets represents a potential danger to the community. Perhaps, but then the release of any inmate represents a potential danger; anyone eligible for release has already served ample time for his or her crime. Because the Sentencing Commission has already ruled that the crack guidelines were unfair, it would be inconsistent to keep inmates in prison simply because they were sentenced before the rules were changed. What is unfair now was unfair then.
The last few weeks have been rough for the World #1, who has lost 3 matches (twice against his nemesis from the juniors David Nalbandian). In 2005, Federer lost only 4 matches out of 85 played, and three of them were to World #2 Rafael Nadal! Last year, Federer lost 5 matches out of 97 played. In 2007 he has (so far) lost a total of eight matches out of 73 played. This year Federer lost to Novak Djokovic, Guillermo Canas (twice, consecutively), Fillipo Volandri, Rafael Nadal (twice) and David Nalbandian (twice, consecutively).
Most tennis fans are not crying in their beers for Federer, however. See, Craig Hickman's tennis blog for more details. Mad Professah still believes that Federer IS the greatest tennis player of all time, and will break Pete Sampras' grand slam record by Wimbledon 2009. Federer has 12 Grand Slam titles and needs to reach 15 in order to exceed Sampras' record.
NEW YORK (November 8, 2007) - Today, Columbia Law School's Sexuality andWith the movement of IGLHRC's Asylum Project to another organization a few weeks ago, it is heartening to see other organizations stepping up to conduct this very important work.
Gender Law Clinic secured asylum for Ven Messam, a gay man who feared
persecution if forced to return to Jamaica because of his sexual
orientation. The grant of asylum, issued by the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security, comes at a time when conditions for gay, lesbian,
bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) people in Jamaica are getting more
dangerous by the day.
Within just the last month, gay Jamaicans have been murdered and the
government has not intervened. Rampant rumors that hostile groups are
plotting the social cleansing of hundreds of gay people by year's end have
forced countless GLBT people into hiding. Far from a tropical paradise,
this Caribbean nation continues to imprison and kill its gay citizens with
relative impunity.
"I am grateful to the United States government for saving my life," said
Mr. Messam. "My life in Jamaica was constantly in danger, with angry mobs
carrying machetes, stones, knives, and guns, threatening to kill me
because I am gay. When I tried to contact the police for help, the police
instead threatened to arrest me and told me to leave the country if I
wanted to stay safe."
"This asylum grant highlights the particularly severe dangers facing gay
Jamaicans. From election campaigns that use songs which promote burning
and killing gay people to police support for violent, anti-gay mobs, the
Jamaican government is actively menacing and endangering its gay
citizens," said Professor Suzanne B. Goldberg, director of the Sexuality
and Gender Law Clinic.
"Mr. Messam's personal story, and the stories of countless other Jamaicans
demonstrate the terrifying situation facing GLBT individuals in Jamaica"
said Simrin Parmar, one of the Columbia law students who worked on this
case. "We are thankful that Mr. Messam will be able to live openly as a
gay man--safe from government-sponsored persecution," remarked Jennifer
Stark, another Columbia law student who worked on this case, "but it is
alarming to think about the fate of other GLBT people in Jamaica who are
not as fortunate."
Mr. Messam was referred to Columbia's Sexuality and Gender Law Clinic by
Immigration Equality, a national organization focused on immigration
rights for GLBT individuals, which provided important assistance in the
Since this past September, four students from Columbia's Sexuality and
Gender Clinic--Simrin Parmar '08, Jennifer Stark '09, Jonathan Lieberman
'08, and Eileen Plaza '09--have provided legal assistance in preparing
their client's application for asylum. The students spent many months
conducting interviews, drafting affidavits, researching country
conditions, filling out necessary forms, accompanying their client to the
New York asylum office, and providing assistance during his interview.
"This experience--where students are responsible for working through the
challenges of a case that makes a real world difference in an emerging and
important area of law--is what the Sexuality and Gender Law Clinic is all
about," said Professor Suzanne B. Goldberg. "Thanks to the students'
work, we can now provide supporting materials to asylum advocates for gay
Jamaicans anywhere in the world," she added.
Columbia Law School's Sexuality and Gender Law Clinic began in September
2006 and currently has eight students. Under Professor Goldberg's
guidance, students have worked on a wide range of projects, from
constitutional litigation to legislative advocacy to immigration cases.
Through the broad scope of its work, clinic students have had the
opportunity to serve both individual and organizational clients, and they
have devoted over 6,500 hours to cases involving issues of sexuality and
gender law. For more information, please visit
“We are deeply disappointed that House leadership decided to ignore the position of a vast majority of LGBT organizations, ignore the legal assessment that this bill may not even provide adequate protections for gays, lesbians and bisexuals, and ignore the fact that this vote might make it more difficult to persuade members of Congress to support a fully inclusive bill in the future. We are also disappointed that House leadership forced many members of its own caucus to choose between voting for a bill not supported by most in the LGBT community, or voting against a civil rights bill. This entire process has been painful, divisive and unnecessary. And worst of all, we went through all of this on behalf of a bill that the president has already said he would veto.
“The past six weeks have been among the most difficult and challenging our community has ever faced. When confronted with the possibility of Congress moving forward on a bill that stripped out protections for transgender people, the activist and grassroots backbone of our movement responded almost instantaneously in unprecedented numbers with conviction, passion and political savvy. United ENDA — a broad coalition of more than 360 national, statewide and local LGBT organizations, community centers and health clinics — fueled the effort. All of this has shaken the long-established order to its core and things will never be the same. While we are frustrated with the course of action that has been taken so far, we will not stop pressing forward toward our ultimate goal: nondiscrimination protections for everyone in our community.
“We are relieved this episode is behind us, and starting right now we are going to pick up where we were six weeks ago — namely, working to pass into law in 2009 the ENDA our entire community wants and deserves.
“We also applaud our champions in Congress who courageously fought in committee, in their caucus and on the floor to guarantee protections for all LGBT individuals. Many members of Congress took significant risks to buck their leadership and speak out in favor of an inclusive bill. Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis.) fought to bring an amendment to the floor to add gender identity protections. Reps. Rush Holt (D-N.J.), Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.), Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) and Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.) voted against the non-inclusive bill in the House Education and Labor Committee. Seven members voted against the bill on the floor today on the principle that the bill should have provided protections on the basis of gender identity: Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.), Rush Holt (D-N.J.), Michael Michaud (D-Maine), Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), Edolphus Towns (D-N.Y.), Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.) and Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.). The LGBT community will be forever grateful for their passionate support.”
Last spring, Congressman Barney Frank introduced HR 2015, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), which prevents employers from discriminating against workers based on sexual orientation or gender identity. After much discussion, House leadership determined that Congress did not have the political will to pass HR 2015, and has decided to move forward with a narrower ENDA bill, HR 3685, that prevents discrimination based only on sexual orientation. While it is not the inclusive bill we wanted, if passed by the House, HR 3685 would be the largest and most prominent step Congress has ever taken in protecting gay rights.
While the bill Congress is set to vote on a non-inclusive ENDA is not what we wanted, the Human Rights Campaign decided to stay at the table with Congress to fight for the best bill possible, and because passage of this legislation is a first and absolutely necessary step toward preventing discrimination based on gender identity.
Throughout this entire struggle, the Human Rights Campaign has been guided by the principle of equality for all. We’ve also been guided by the need to navigate potential roadblocks in order to achieve that equality and we’ve tried not to get ourselves boxed into a corner -- especially if that corner opposes progress.
We believe that staying at the table and negotiating in support of the best possible bill is better than simply walking away. It isn’t right and it’s a disappointing reality of how politics works but if we are going to win we can’t ever be disillusioned by letting the perfect get in the way of the good. But, without a doubt, the only path to achieving a bill protecting our whole community is by achieving a successful House vote tomorrow. A defeat of ENDA tomorrow would set back the possibility of an inclusive bill for many, many years.
Moral and principled advocates for equality can disagree on strategies but we should never question each others commitment to the common goal of equality we all share. We hope that our partners in the ongoing fight for equality will join with us in this step forward and not seek to divide us.
The Family Research Council, Traditional Values Coalition and their allies would like nothing more than for our movement to fail, and for ENDA to die in this Congress. To stand idly by and let that happen would constitute ceding ground.
Once it was clear that HR 3685 was heading to the House floor for debate and a vote, HRC joined the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR) and other civil rights groups on a letter asking Members of Congress to vote for H.R. 3685. All of these groups agree, defeat of a major civil rights bill on the House floor would set back the movement many years.
Last night the bill was reported out of the Rules Committee. As of now, all indicators suggest that the ENDA will brought to the House floor for debate and a vote on Wednesday.
Floor action on ENDA could come as early as Tuesday, but is clearly expected some day this week.
The Committee will also consider whether an amendment from out lesbian Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, a Wisconsin Democrat, to add transgender protections back into the bill, will be heard on the floor as well. Baldwin, originally Frank's co-lead sponsor on ENDA, declined to put her name on his revised measure, urging instead that the original, fully-inclusive bill be taken up by the House.
Baldwin has apparently made limited headway in wooing colleagues to support the inclusion of transgender protections, and ironically her measure, if put to a vote, would create precisely the framework that Frank warned against when he advised a narrower formulation of the bill. His fear was that Republicans would put up a mirror-image amendment to Baldwin's, stripping out transgender protections.
Such an amendment, by forcing members of Congress to record a vote specifically on that issue, threatened to point up the weakness of support for transgender rights - and if done by using a particular parliamentary maneuver could have killed the entire bill for this session.
Both Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, and Roberta Sklar, a spokeswoman for the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force - two groups leading a coalition of roughly 300 organizations pressing Congress to vote no on any version of ENDA that is not fully inclusive - confirmed today that their understanding is the same as what Gay City News learned last week: that Baldwin's amendment would be offered on the floor, debated, probably for one hour, and then withdrawn.
"It's unfortunate that leadership would continue to try to pass a bill that the LGBT community has said it doesn't want," Keisling said when asked about the imminent Rules Committee action. "But whatever happens, this is not the end. There is no chance of this becoming law now. We will have to get together and decide how to proceed in '09."