The heterosexual supremacists who want to repeal Maine's marriage equality law submitted 100, 000 signatures to the Secretary of State on July 31st, far more than the 55,000 signatures they needed to place the referendum before voters in November. The use of the "People's Veto" prevents the law from going into effect as planned on September 1 as planned, and its fate will depend on the results of the election.
The marriage opponents have hired Frank Schubert, the man who was the campaign manager for Yes on 8, which successfully passed Proposition 8 in November 2008.
So, while people in California are talking about a Proposition 8 "re-do" in 2010 or 2012 the people in Maine know that they will have a Proposition 8-style campaign on their hands through November 3rd. I wish them well!
Maine Freedom To Marry has officially changed its name to "No On 1/ Protect Maine Equality."
In another bad sign for the supporters of equality, they have fallen behind in fundraising in the early stages of the campaign.
Here at madprofessah.com I am hoping that we can raise $1,000 in support of Maine marriage equality from Los Angeles LGBT and straight progressives. Please donate now!
Filings with the state ethics commission reported on Wednesday [July 16th] show that marriage equality opponents have raised over $343,000, compared to $138,640 raised by groups fighting the law’s overturn.
Backers of the coalition seeking to overturn the marriage equality law include the National Organization for Marriage, which contributed $160,000; the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Portland, which contributed $100,000; and the Knights of Columbus, which made a contribution of $50,000. A PAC created by Focus on the Family contributed $31,000.
More than one third of the money raised by the group fighting the people’s veto came from Diane Sammer of Harpswell, who contributed $50,000. She spoke about the importance of same-sex marriage legislation during a public hearing in April, when she recounted complications she faced after her partner of 28 years died last year.
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