Friday, March 27, 2009

The 2008 ED Salaries and Budgets of 25 Largest LGBT Orgs

This is an excellent piece of journalism which is currently reverberating through the LGBT blogosphere. The Washington Blade reported the 2008 salaries and budgets of the 25 largest LGBT organizations, doing ane xcellent job to place the numbers in context with organizational size and comparing them to non-LGBT non-profit organizations with comparative budgets.

Click on the sample above created by Pam Spaulding to see the full chart of the Top 25.
I'll have more to say on this over the weekend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I look forward to your analysis of this since you are a math guy. It seems like the guy who is running Food For Friends is getting a huge salary when you look at what they take in. Years ago there was a story about the HIV groups in Puerto Rico paying folks more money and people ended up not getting care. I can understand that you want good people in these gigs, but, some of the salary are a bit much IMO.


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