Thursday, September 27, 2012

Marriage Equality Leads 51%-43% in Maryland

Finally there is a new poll out of Maryland about the pending referendum on marriage equality called Question 6. In May 2012, a poll showed a 57%-37% lead for supporters of marriage equality and in July 2012 (the last known public poll before this new one) showed a lead of 54%-40%.

The new poll from Gonzalez Research shows 50.9% in support of Question 6, 42.8% against Question 6 and 6.3% are undecided with a margin of error ±3.5 percentage points. This indicates that there may not be a majority of support for marriage equality in Maryland. A Yes vote is always more difficult to get in a ballot measure fight and neither opponents or proponents have begun advertising on Question 6 yet.

That being said, there is some good news in the internals of the poll, which indicate that support of African American voters for marriage equality has increased from 33% in January to 44% now.

However, the Maryland marriage equality campaign is starting to raise concerns among LGBT activists for its reluctance to discuss how much money it has raised to date and what it plans are for airing television ads before the election.

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